Juliana - Senior '18

This senior. She braved 22+ mph winds. Frigid cold. And multiple locations all for the love of photography, and she made every minute of it look effortless. 

If I could describe this wonderful young woman in two words I would say, "authentically beautiful." But I don't think I can describe her entire bubbly personality in just two words to give her justice.

You'll witness below just a portion of the beauty and nature that this brilliant young woman holds. Juliana, not only are you a radiant ball of joy. You are also are one of the most beautifully courageous individuals I have ever met. You are full of intelligence, boldness, and authenticity. And I am so glad I got the opportunity to get to know your heart just a little bit more while working with you.

Cheers to the MHK Class of 2018 and all that the future has to offer to you.

